what's in your meat???
is it meat glue?
wow and i thought gluten was a demon of the 7th layer of hell.
i am glad to not have to think about this - being veggie since i was twelve
- i couldnt prepare meat if you asked- much less special meaty meatness with meat glue.
this is truely sick.
if we were taught in school the reality of food what would we all be eating ?
i knew at age 12 hotdogs were sick after having loved them to death as a kid any way- boiled, microwaved- bbq-
once i read about what went into them - everything -
funny as i was given that information by my meat eating granny who gave money to PETA but did not read the magazine herself due to the atrocities it held.
so she passsed them on to me-
who perhaps more permeable in thought realizing a pork chop is a pig chop a burger is a cows flesh mulled into worm like consequence, we were only ever much honest with ourselves in calling a chicken wing just that. i ruined an aspect of the family meal resisting to eat what i was told by my grans literature alone no one else told me the details - and everyone else remained unchanged.
if an animal loving child truely understood it's lamb chop was from a creature not far off the one they just encountered at the petting zoo-
that to drink milk one tortures a cow but keeping it pregnant and stealing it's babies - if a child were told this- would they grow up to be a meat eater?
we love to put down societies for their eating of dogs and other such animals we deem inappropriate food stuffs.
but if you have heart for your pet dog and know that dog has more going on behind those soulful eyes (then what some crack pot human claims them to have) then how can not the same be true of every living creature on this planet?
so to admit to yourself firstly what the animal you are eating is-
think about that when you eat it.
does that feel ok?
and when you eat meat glue?
what do you think about then?
well not so appetizing but i fear meat glue is even more sinister an affair then even the morbid hotdog.
there was a story on the telly the other night about meat glue being used -
never heard of it to be honest before then.
if nothing else here is where you can buy it?!
and some further informational links:
meat glue transglutaminase at the modernist pantry...
wiki link for Transglutaminase
health freedom allianace
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